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发布时间: 2016-06-22  点击次数: 549次

There are several approaches that can be used to determine where specific microRNAs are expressed in a given tissue. Northern blots, microRNA microarrays, and in situ methods such as sensors.

microRNA sensors: microRNAs表达位点

<img alt="microRNA sensors: microRNAs表达位点" microrna="" sensors:="" micrornas表达位点"="" border="1" height="329" data-cke-saved-src="http://www.bbioo。。com/uploadfile/200707/20070718215902204.jpg" src="http://www.bbioo。。com/uploadfile/200707/20070718215902204.jpg" width="446" style="vertical-align: middle; border: 0px;">

.The staining pattern in the mouse embryos above is Hox-like because the miR-10 and miR-196 Hox genes are located in Hox-clusters and are expressed in a manner that is overall consistent with their relative locations in the Hox cluster (see figure below).

We use sensors to detect the specific expression of microRNAs in tissues, and are developing newer approaches to follow expression in more sensitive ways-- even in adult mouse tissues. We hope these new tools will give us insight into the function of microRNAs, and perhaps their potential interplay in human diseases such as cancer.